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Вы нуждаетесь в юридической помощи?

Need legal advice?


Our law firm provides all around legal advocacy, administration and protection. We professionally and strenuously act on behalf of our clients no matter how difficult or complex the case proves to be. Schedule a personal appointment now (+36 30 241 2865) and let us solve your problem as soon as possible!

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dr koncz ugyved

Our legal services


  •  All around legal advice

  • Official document editing and advice

  • Advocacy in court procedures and out of court proceedings

  • Property sales, exchange or gift

  • Advocacy for condominiums

  • Incorporation, organizational change

  • Electronic organizational procedures

  • Claims and compensations

  • Advocacy versus tax and customs authorities

  • Foundations and associations

  • Criminal cases

  • Loan agreements

  • Corporate and property reviews

  • Public procurement procedures

Основные области

Основные области деятельности


Право интеллектуальной собственности


Финансовое право


Административное право


Права личности


Права общественных организацией


Возмещение вреда


Регистрация хозяйственных товариществ и обществ


Уголовное право


Семейное право


Наследственное право

Приветствуем Вас на нашем сайте!



The dr. Koncz Tibor Law Firm has been successfully acting on behalf of its clients in all kinds of legal cases since its start in February 2012. Our office located in the 16th district operates a diverse practice concentrated mainly on civil, corporal and criminal areas of the law, protecting private individuals, businesses, organizations and authorities alike. We provide all around legal services to our clients, enabling them to have their best interests represented efficiently and quickly.

dr koncz tibor ugyved jogasz cegunkrol csapatunkról

Dr. Koncz Tibor

Dr. Koncz Tibor


The founder and chief attorney of the firm, dr. Koncz Tibor had graduated the Szeged University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences in 2007 then collected extensive practical experience at acclaimed Budapest law offices in the fields of civil and criminal cases, commercial and corporate procedures and out of court settlements.

Representing the dr. Koncz Tibor Law Firm he's been attorney for domestic and foreign clients successfully since 2012.

szolgaltatasok ugyvedi iroda valasszon minket
dr horvath monika ugyvedno jogasz cegunkrol csapatunkról

Dr. Horváth Mónika

Адрес электронной почты:

Номер телефона: 06 30 842 2271

Why choose us?


§ We are 100 per cent dedicated towards our assigned cases from the very start untill its closure. Your success is a matter of prestige for us
§ We offer fair and reasonable prices always negotiated in advance so that our clients would have one less variable to worry about
§ During the procedure we take care of everything that needs to be undertaken (e.g. editing and forwarding documents, meeting with specialists) while keeping you updated
§ Our client oriented firm acts for you with the highest expertise, felxibility, speed and efficiency
§ To be able to reach the highest legal efficiency we utilize our extensive network of connections for your cause. Our firm maintains close cooperation with a wide range of institutes, advisors and specialists (e.g. property market, credit, tax, customs or technological specialists), we even have access to the services of forensic experts if needed

Почему мы достойны Вашего выбора?

Обращайтесь к нам за профессиональной помощью еще на начальной стадии Вашего дела.

  • В большинстве случаев мы находим решение по проблеме наших клиентов и способны отвечать на все их вопросы через час.

  • Во время консультаций мы подробно анализируем излаженные Вами фактические обстоятельства дела, прасматриваем документы, оцениваем обстоятельства и на основе действующих правовых норм и судебной практики предоставляем Вам экспертз и план действий.

Law Firm at Budapest


Dr. Koncz Law Firm occupies a special place among Budapest law firms. Pleasant, quiet, discreet XVI. We welcome you in our district office with love and a coffee, and whether it is a real estate, company law, criminal law or litigation matter, we will surely find the most optimal solution for you.

In many places on the web, you can find a directory of lawyers, which lists the law offices in Pest and Buda with their address, phone number, and other contact information. You can also meet the Dr. Koncz Law Office on sites such as or, which collect Budapest law firms. However, you will not find prices on these pages, because the specific prices of the lawyer's services cannot be published on the lawyer's website due to the position of the Budapest Bar Association.

Цены на услуги

Dr. Koncz Tibor Law Firm

Деловые встречи с клиентами – по будним дням с 9:00 до 19:00


— § —

06 30 241 2865

06 1 405 4000

65. Batthyány street Budapest 1161

— § —

Разряд учреждения: адвокатское бюро

Учреждение зарегистрировано в Будапештской

палате адвокатов Budapest Bar Association

Номер регистрации: 3801

Номер налоговой инспекции: 18277528-2-42

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